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Afraid to Fly? Book a Cruise!

Many people have a fear of flying. If you’re one of them, that doesn’t mean you have to stay home. Taking a cruise is a convenient and affordable – not to mntion extremely enjoyable – option.

Afraid to Fly
Afraid to Fly

With air travel becoming increasingly unpleasant, more and more people are simply choosing not to fly. Why deal with long lines, cramped conditions, and substandard or nonexistent food when you could relax and revel in the luxuries of a cruise? Next time you’re planning a getaway, consider the many benefits a cruise has to offer:

    • The journey itself. When you board an airplane, you’re simply trying to get from one place to another as quickly as possible. “Getting there” is definitely not half the fun. On a cruise, the journey itself is the vacation experience. Even if you’re cruising to a specific destination, your time on the ship is filled with a variety of fun and entertaining options.
    • Activities on the ship. Depending on the type of cruise you are on, you may have activities available ranging from the classic shuffleboard to dance classes, social events, and more. There is always something to do on a cruise.
    • Variety. With cruises, there is truly something for everybody. Whether you’re single and looking to meet someone or are a couple looking for a romantic getaway, there’s a cruise designed just for you. There is also a wide selection of family cruises available, some of which even include activities for the kids that allow the adults a little time to themselves.
    • Amenities. Full-service spas, casinos, scrumptious food 24/7 – cruises have it all. From luxury staterooms to gyms with the latest exercise equipment, cruises cater to your needs with an impressive range of amenities.
    • Experiencing aquatic life. On a cruise you have the opportunity to see and experience marine life up close and in a way otherwise impossible. There are specialty cruises and locations for those interested in activities such as whale watching or scuba diving.
    • See many destinations in a short period of time. Cruises generally visit several ports throughout the cruise. This is a wonderful opportunity for a traveler to see a wide variety of places without the hassle of booking hotel rooms or planning an itinerary. You can even choose to just stay on the ship if a port doesn’t appeal to you.
    • Cruises are safe. Cruise ships have fewer accidents than most other means of travel, and the cruise industry is closely regulated by domestic and international governing bodies and regulatory agencies. Crime tends to be low on cruises, and as a rule the ships only dock in safe sections of destination cities.
    • Great value. Taking a cruise is much more cost effective than flying. Cruises are often all inclusive, which means your transportation, food, and of course your stateroom are all included in one ticket price. Optional activities and options are also often built in to the price of the ticket. Airline tickets, hotel rooms, food, and other incidental costs rapidly add up and can range into thousands of dollars whereas a four night cruise can cost as low as under $200.
    • Convenience. Cruises are truly convenient. Because many cruises are all-inclusive, you don’t have to worry about carrying cash around. Because your room is on the ship, you don’t have to pack and unpack when visiting different ports. Because of all the amenities offered, you have everything you need right there on the ship. Vacation travel doesn’t get much more convenient than that.
    • Proximity. Many Americans don’t realize they actually live within a driving distance of a cruise ship port. While places such as New York and San Diego might be obvious port locations, there are plenty of others you might not have thought of such as Mobile or New Orleans, or even Los Angeles.
    • Easy to book. One phone call to a travel agent is all it takes to book a cruise. Cruises can be easily booked online as well, but it pays to talk to an experienced travel agent who can make sure you book the cruise that’s right for you.

Other Options: Consider a Freighter

If a cruise sounds good but you’re looking for something a little different, you can literally take the slow boat to China and cruise aboard a freighter. Ticket prices for freighters are even lower than cruise ship tickets, and the food and accommodations are surprisingly good. There are few passengers on a freighter, which can be a positive point depending on your inclinations. While there aren’t as many entertainment options or amenities, there is the opportunity to get to know the crew and to travel to non-touristy destinations.
With all that cruises have to offer and the nearly endless variety of cruises available, there’s no reason not to take one. Why fly coach when you can cruise in first class luxury?

[box]This guest post was provided by Shannon Pierce, who is a freelance writer and cruise coordinator.  She helps people find great discount cruises, and believes that whether you are booking cruises from New York, or visiting San Francisco, it is important to get out and experience the world. [/box]