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Hair care principles – how to choose cosmetics?

Well maintained and healthy hair is an attribute of every woman. It allows you to shine in the company and feel more confident in every situation. Proper hair care is not so easy. It often requires a lot of time and energy. If beautiful and healthy hair is important to you, you must pay attention to every, even the smallest detail of care: from choosing the right shampoo, through relaxing massages and dietary supplements, to hair combing technique.

The understanding hair structure is crucial for knowing its needs and consequently implementing effective hair care.

Hair belongs to the so-called skin appendages, as well as sebaceous and sweat glands. Each hair originates from the hair follicle, which consists of the epithelial part (keratinized hair stem) and connective tissue part (hair nipple equipped with blood vessels and nerves).

Destruction of the latter part causes permanent hair loss, while damage to the hair stem is reversible.

Unlike animals in which the growth cycles of all hairs are synchronized (that is why the phenomenon of exuviation occurs), in humans, the follicles are in different phases of the cycle: growth, evolution, and dormancy. The majority of hairs are in the growth phase, which lasts 3-6 years, about 1% in the evolution phase and 20% at rest. Trichogram is a microscopic examination of follicles. The evaluation of the ratio of the number of growing hairs to the number of those that are at rest allows us to the assessment of the degree of follicle damage.

The length and vitality of hair depend on various factors – mainly genetic and hormonal (androgens), as well as on the drugs taken (cytostatic in chemotherapy) and external factors (hair dyes, permanent waving).

We lose about 100 hairs every day and this is completely natural. The problem occurs when the loss is greater than 100-120 hairs. Human hair does not have a protective and thermal function, as it happens in mammals. Rather, it serves as an ornament, and in the old days it was seen as a sign of wisdom, wealth, strength (e.g. the biblical story of Samson). Over the centuries, hair has been a sign of belonging to a particular social or religious group, and its appearance and the way it is trimmed have been dictated by numerous cultural orders. Today, there is a huge freedom in the choice of hairstyle, but still, most of us attach great importance to what we have on our heads. The loss of hair, the creations that are really unnecessary to our body, can be a huge problem, a sharp drop in self-esteem and even depression.

Haircare methods

Washing is extremely important in hair care. It is worth choosing shampoos according to their type. Colored hair…

How to wash your hair properly?

Start your care with proper cleaning. This is essential for your hair to look beautiful and healthy. Contrary to what is commonly believed, it can be washed every day as long as it is done with the right shampoo. Daily cosmetics should be free of strong detergents and adapted to the specific hair type.

The shampoo should be diluted slightly in the hands or a cup. It should not be applied straight from the bottle on the scalp. The concentration of washing products may turn out to be too high and dry the hair.

You should not use too hot water (sebaceous glands are stimulated) and the last rinse is best done in cool water or a specially selected rinse, as this closes the scales.

Washing your hair allows you to clean it of impurities, which allows for better absorption of conditioners and hair lotions. The activity can be finished with a rinse in water with lemon or vinegar. Thanks to the acidic preparations, the hair not only looks healthier but is also smoother and more fluffy.

It is very important that the shampoo is primarily for the scalp. Hair is delicate and aggressive rubbing may not serve them. While washing, let’s focus on thorough cleaning of the scalp, and on the length, let’s use the foam that has been created. Gently knead the hair and rinse the product quickly with water. A moment and a small concentration of washing agents is enough to remove all cosmetics, varnishes, and styling products from the hair surface.

Scalp massage

The scalp massage stimulates this little muscular and almost immobile area of our body and, by stimulating blood circulation towards the bulbs, supports hair growth. Lower your head, join your fingers and massage the skin in circular movements.

In our online store, you will find cosmetics suitable for everyday hair care – human hair extensions, professional hair extensions and hair extensions pliers.