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Top 3 Luxury Safari Spots To See Elephant

Elephants are currently being heavily persecuted by poachers in some parts of Africa, just for their ivory to make trinkets and traditional ornaments. This is why we believe everyone should be planning a luxury safari to see these amazing creatures in the wild now before it’s too late. Watching elephants together is absolutely magical as they have very human emotions and characteristics, including the way they relate to other family members. A baby elephant is possibly the cutest thing to grace the plains at any one time and to see them play with each other, or splash around in a dam really is magical.

According “The Luxury Safari Company” here are the top three places to stay and see elephants:

1            Saruni Samburu Lodge, Samburu, Northern Kenya

Saruni Samburu is not only a seriously luxurious lodge but is in a location which allows you unparalleled access to Samburu National Park which is famous for it’s elephant sightings – here large family herds remain for long periods of time due to the easy access to the Ewaso Nyiro River. If you’re lucky you’ll sit and watch hundreds of elephant splash and play in the river.

African Elephant - Samburu National Park, Kenya
African Elephant – Samburu National Park, Kenya

2            Madikwe Hills Lodge – Madikwe, South Africa

Madikwe is a haven for elephants and there are many family herds living in this protected area of Northern South Africa. Madikwe Hills overlooks a small waterhole, which is often frequented by elephants who want to have a wash and drink, and often a dust bath.


3            Chinzombo Camp – South Luangwa, Zambia

Chinzombo is also situated on a river, and just as in Samburu this means elephants are always around. Elephants are highly intelligent creatures and will always stay close to water to make sure their young are looked after, in the dry season (July to October) the density of elephants will seriously increase.

Baby elephant with its mother
Baby elephant with its mother